FriendFeed - Web-resources

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Supercharge Firebug


Designing and building Web sites can be a maze of tasks these days. One tool that can simplify the task is the well-known Firebug
extension, which lets you edit and debug HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from
within Firefox. As useful as Firebug is on its own, it can actually be
extended past its initial setup with additional extensions that can
make your work as a developer or designer even easier.

Not a resource, but worth reading

Real Hero
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: ngo india)

Monday, September 22, 2008

CSS Techniques for Charting Data

From Six Revisions:

There are many ways you can present numerical, chartable data by styling elements using CSS. Using CSS to style your data prevents you from relying on static images and increases your content’s accessibility.

Below, you’ll read about 8 excellent techniques for styling elements into beautiful, accessible charts and graphs.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Rules for Computing Happiness

From Alex Payne's Blog


  1. Use as little software as possible.
  2. Use software that does one thing well.
  3. Do not use software that does many things poorly.
  4. Do not use software that must sync over the internet to function.
  5. Do not use web applications that should be desktop applications.

  6. Do not use desktop applications that should be web applications.
  7. Do not use software that isn't made specifically for your operating
    system. (You'll know it when you see it because it won't look right or
    work correctly.)
  8. Do not run beta software unless you know how to submit a bug report and are eager to do so.
  9. Use a plain text editor that you know well.  Not a word processor, a plain text editor.
  10. Do not use your text editor for tasks other than editing text.
  11. Use a password manager. You shouldn't know any of your passwords save the one to your primary email account and the one to your password manager.
  12. Do not use software that's unmaintained.
  13. Pay for software that's worth paying for, but only after evaluating it for no less than two weeks.
  14. Thoroughly delete all traces of software that you no longer use.
  15. Hardware

  16. Do not buy a desktop computer unless your daily computing needs
    include video/audio editing, 3D rendering, or some other hugely
    processor-intensive computing task.  Buy a portable computer instead.
  17. Do not use your phone/smartphone/PDA/UMPC for tasks that would be
    more comfortably and effectively accomplished on a
    full-fledged computer.
  18. Use a Mac for personal computing.
  19. Use Linux or BSD on commodity hardware for server computing.
  20. Do not use anything other than a Mac at home and Linux/BSD on the server.
  21. The only peripheral you absolutely need is a hard disk or network drive to put backups on.
  22. Buy as large an external display as you can afford if you'll be working on the computer for more than three hours at a time.
  23. Use hosted services in lieu of hosting on your own hardware (or virtual hardware) for all but the most custom applications.
  24. File Formats

  25. Keep as much as possible in plain text.  Not Word or Pages documents, plain text.
  26. For tasks that plain text doesn't fit, store documents in an open standard file format if possible.
  27. Do not buy digital media crippled by rights restriction
    technologies unless your intention is to rent the content for a limited
    period of time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Open source realtime virtual classroom

The University of the Western Cape and the African Virtual Open Initiatives and Resources (AVOIR) project, a collaboration of 13 African universities, has released the Chisimba/KEWL3 Realtime Virtual Classroom – or Realtime Communication Tools version 1.0.1. It can be downloaded here or here.

Some PHP Tutorials

Suggested by Jaswant: Click here

Templating Engines

An article on whether templating engines should be used at all or not.

Basics of Databases

Tutorial on getting started in Database Design

Tutorial on "How to Understand a Database Schema

500 Database Models
to kick start development

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Improving Interface Design

A very insightful presentation on interface design:

Improving Interface Design
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: interface design)

Thursday, September 04, 2008

10 challenging but awesome css techniques


10 Amazing CSS Techniques

Most designers and web developers only scratch the surface of the potent language that is CSS. In terms of programming languages, CSS has a fairly simple learning curve. That doesn't mean that CSS isn't a powerful language. Sometimes it's the small things that make a huge difference in a website design.

In this post we're going to outline 10 awesome CSS techniques for web developers who know their stuff.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Firebug extension for PHP

FirePHP enables you to log to your Firebug Console using a simple PHP method call.

Graphing in PHP

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Firebird RDBMS

Introduction to the open source Firebird Database.

Cheat Sheets

A nice collection of cheat sheets on different technologies.

Writing Secure PHP

A very nice article on good coding with some valuable tips.

Linux Origins

In 1991, Finnish hacker Linus Torvalds posted the following message to a discussion group: "I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones."

The project he was referring to eventually grew into Linux, the open source operating system.

Web based apps for Designers

23 free and online web based applications specially for web designers and developers which are very helpful. Most of them are not very well known but they are really amazing in respect to their features.

19 Most Essential and useful open source applications

19 Most Essential and useful open source applications. Most of them are top of the list projects that have an open source industry leading popularity.

Monday, September 01, 2008

PHP - A beginner's guide

PHP 101

A nice structured way to learn PHP.

10 Principles of the CSS Masters

These CSS tips are gathered from some of the most respected designers on the planet. These are 10 excellent principles that any web developer or designer can find useful, meaningful, or challenging.